Long Water Farm


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Toasted Squash Seeds

Eating Seasonally

The Squashes of Winter have arrived and there are so so many ways to prepare them.

Squash Soup ~ Roasted Squash ~ Stuffed Squash Halves ~ Squash as a Vegetarian Entree ~ Squash as a Side Dish ~ Savory Squash ~ Sweet Squash ~ Squash Cake

We're sure to enjoy all of these concoctions over the next several months and had our first winter squash this week ~ Butternut Squash Soup.  A very basic and delicious soup of squash and broth and vegetables and herbs, but what we thoroughly enjoyed from this vegetable was the Roasty Toasty Squash Seeds.

Next time your preparing squash, set those seeds aside.  Cleaning them up is a breeze; rinse them in a colander or soak in water for a little bit (or even overnight) and the seeds will slip right through the pulp and fiber.

Rinse 'em; Shake 'em or pat them dry; Toss with a teaspoon of oil (olive for me) and a pinch of salt; Roast at 275-300 degrees until desired tastiness is reached.  15 minutes for some, 30 or so for us.

Enjoy this toasty little snack and if you've got any left over, 
toss them in your soup or salad.

  Squash and Pumpkin Seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals ~ 
    A & C, Folate, Potassium, Calcium and Iron, 
Magnesium and Zinc